Tribute Wall
3:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Jorge Rivera Funeral Home
4543 J.F. Kennedy Blvd. W.
North Bergen, New Jersey, United States
Derell lit a candle
Saturday, April 9, 2022
My boy still think bout you cuz had some great times on Madison Ave love you my boy til I see you again
Yvonne posted a condolence
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Wow.....I want to say that there are no words to calm the pain of loosing a son or a brother....but memories keep him alive...I have a cute one...I lived in Astoria 15yrs old when I got to meet my cousin Tuty and her mom Carmen...We lived on the same floor....3115 33rd Street Astoria...I loved children...Chanty was about 3yrs old so Danny was younger...Carmen (grandma) was completely stressed about the whole chidcare responsibility cause she wanted to enjoy life and go dancing her favorite pass time...well i wud go over and sometimes she wud have him in the crib tied up so he wouldn't get down with like a ribbon...I wud go and untie him and hold him feed him and play with him and she wud get mad at I learned firsthand what a motherly kind of love was...Chanty was my pride and joy too...I went bymyself w her to Woolworth's one day and made pretend when ppl asked that she was my daughter...not even Tuty remembers this
So these two siblings taught me about the most pure of love...shortly after they moved Carmen passed and we didn't see each other as often...but in my wedding 25yrs ago i saw them as grown ups...all these memories came up...and Tuty told Danny how I used to untie him...he laughed...May you RIP Danny and I wish I cud of given you many hugs...Tuty I love you and dont have words to say except that God is with you and faith will ease the pain with time...Chanty hes with you siblings share a special bond and from reading your sentiments you guys were pretty close...pray with him hes there...I love you guys and I am sharing your pain...Yvonne Kresleen & Jaylen...XOXO
Gabriela lit a candle
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Daniel, recuerdo tu imagen de niño, y mi corazon se embarga de nostalgia y ternura, pido a Dios que te de luz perpetua, y tu alma descanse en paz, mi niño querido, Dios te tenga en su gloria mi Danny lindo, te quiero mucho
Lillian Failde uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Siempre te recordaré mi Primito Danny y estarás con cariño en mi corazón “ R.I.P
Lillian Failde lit a candle
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Lillian Failde posted a condolence
Saturday, January 12, 2019
“Danny”Tu sonrisa será la compañía ideal para Dios, tu encanto la llave al paraíso y tu mirada la luz que alumbre en medio de la oscuridad. Descansa en paz mi primito bello Danny... te queremos y te recordaremos con el mismo amor y cariño que siempre nos brindastes “
“Hago una oración por mi primo Danny que siga siendo esa luz que nunca se apagó en amor, paz y cariño “ We Love You”
“Mis sentidas condolencias para mi querida prima Tuti, mi primita Chanty, Noah y toda nuestra familia estamos contigo en este dolor tan grande. Rezaremos mucho para que Dios y Jesus te consuelen día a día en tu dolor y en el nuestro... y solo pensar que desde donde se encuentre Danny está viéndote y es feliz al lado del Padre Eterno” , desde que partió de este mundo para estar como un Ángel más en el Cielo con nuestro señor “
Con todo el amor y cariño tus primas Lilly, Victoria, Puchy ( siempre estarás en nuestros corazones con tu carisma tu risa y tu cariño “ Mi primito Danny”
4543 John F Kennedy Blvd W
North Bergen, NJ 07047